Proudest Grandma


Time and time again I realise that the biggest gift we can give to someone is to see and acknowledge them.

To be known, really known for who you are deep down is a very special kind of joy. It can empower and completely transform someone, help them connect with the best, the most generous, courageous and loving part of them and they can’t help but pass on the goodness.

Unfortunately we don’t always see that someone knows us, as we often misinterpret or don’t hear what people that matter to us most are really saying. Perhaps their communication/our listening skills can be somewhat improved. So we might have a better chance of reaching and being reached by someone we don’t know that well if at all, as then our interaction is pure and free from history that can be in the way.

So let’s try to support and acknowledge each other more - one of the ways to make the world a better place?

That’s certainly why I do what I do.

Inspired by Teresa who submitted photos by her 5 year old grandson Ryan to Children of Vision